if you don't like something, change it.
if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
a little bit about me
Practising a holistic model of therapy I integrate a psychotherapeutic approach known as Compassionate Inquiry alongside Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP & Havening.
Compassionate Inquiry (CI), was developed by Dr Gabor Maté, a Canadian physician who is also a bestselling author with books published in over twenty-five languages. Gabor is an internationally renowned teacher and speaker highly sought after for his expertise on addiction, trauma, childhood development, and the relationship between stress and illness. CI underpins every conversation and session with me offering a gentle, safe and effective way of uncovering the root causes of pain.

Working as an integrative therapist, I am passionate about tailoring an individual approach, finding possibilities and helping to unravel the sometimes deep source of unresourceful patterns of behaviour allowing for more ease and ultimately freedom.
Before training in CI I worked as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner training at the internationally acclaimed Quest Institute, Regents University, London. I have trained with Dr Ronald Ruden in the psychosensory therapy known as Havening and became one of the first Certified practitioners in the UK. Prior to that I studied Clinical Hypnotherapy at St. Mary's University, London.
“The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves – to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them …
That’s what Compassionate Inquiry is.”
Dr. Gabor Maté